About Us
Our Historical Journey
Our Principles
Our Information Security Policy
Our Quality Policy
General Management
South Anatolia (Adana)
Aegean Div. (İzmir)
A-Team of the risk world, prior to and after the risk, in the large and small as well.
“Our vision is to do the right thing and to know how to do it right; to learn, to do it with love, to collect, to share...”
When Alesta started cruising in 1995 with a motto as “The A-team of Risk”, moved forward rapidly with the security of knowing the work it performs as well as the knowledge it possessed by being eager to learn.
Approaching today as of 1995, the developing business experience of our team, our eagerness in learning, our philosophy of solidarity, sharing and being apparent to competition determined the level and quality of the relationship that we established with all parties that we provide services to.
Alesta, being situated within the oldest and largest global network, developed by managing the local service network with an “amateur” desire, with curiosity towards collective knowledge in the relevant field of business and in all sectors, and by diligence in obtaining information.
In this respect, we attained the position of being well-known in our business field, competitive, cooperative and “leader” in every aspect, both in the national and international sectors.
By still possessing the sincere enthusiasm of an insurer or a loss adjuster that just started business…
Being one of the oldest and largest companies of its domain in our country, we’re aware of the fact that we have a long journey ahead. Hoping to be together in a state of increasing communication with all parties in this long voyage...
The foundations of the group were laid at the end of May 1995 and the loss adjustment works first started under the roof of the company established under the name of "ALESTA SİGORTA EKSPERTİZ". A sister company was established in August 1996 and joined the group in order to provide supervision, risk analysis and survey services, another requirement of the sector. Again, as a development born out of necessity, in the last quarter of 2022, our company was established with the short name ALESTA TED, which will only give supply etc. services to our group.
During our establishment years, the dominant working style in the national market was “Individual Loss Adjustment”, and in our sector, which is developing and growing and gaining power from global markets, providing loss adjustment services in a corporate structure and with international norms has been added to the forefront of our determined targets in order to create a service environment suitable for the demand.
In line with this goal, our company has created its standards and norms under the following headings and has established increasingly developing ties with the sector;
Subsequently, as of 1997, which was an important milestone and target-acquisition moment for the group, ALESTA became the Turkey representative of Crawford ®, which provides solutions for the largest claims management and other needs demanded globally, with approximately 9.000 employees in more than 70 countries around the world.
Now, this worldwide staff, constituted by the integrity of Alesta and Crawford®, allows any complex or specific claims or analysis to be handled quickly and accurately, anywhere and it has started to meet the loss adjustment and survey requirements of both local and global customers both in Turkey and in other countries of the world.
While the MARMARA (KOCAELİ) EARTHQUAKE of August 17, 1999 was at the forefront in terms of disasters experienced by our country, the insurance industry has come out of this pain by passing through a great test. In the same period, Alesta matured, Alesta-Crawford® and Alesta-Sector bonds also consolidated and increased.
The historical journey of the group after 1999:
ALESTA continues its consistent and principled progress in accordance with its goals in its own course.
The services that it has provided and has been providing to the needs of our group worldwide, with its professionals working with amateur thinking, are an indication of the confidence in Alesta's future robustness and sustainability.
Quality in Service:
The main principle of Alesta is quality service. The biggest advantage in achieving the targeted "quality service" is its young, innovative, courageous, entrepreneurial, experienced, agile and dynamic team.
Some of the factors that constitute the quality of Alesta and make Alesta superior are as follows:
Alesta, which is open to all innovations of our age, is ready to meet the service demands of its customers with this service quality it provides.
Integrity in Service:
With the survey/loss adjustment company established in 1995 and the supervision company established in 1996, Alesta's place in the world of risk has expanded by extending both before and after the risk.
In 1997, in response to the needs of the sector and the country and the level achieved by ALESTA; the company has become the Turkey representative of "Crawford and Company", which is organized all over the world and is the world's largest survey/loss adjustment organization. Thus, it has taken its place alongside other industry actors, which are the players of the global network.
Now, the loss adjustment and survey needs of national and multinational customers, both in Turkey and in other countries, are carried out at an optimum level with Alesta quality and an advanced organizational structure in line with its nationwide organization.
Alesta is ready to meet all service demands from its customers in its field with this service integrity it provides in Turkey and in the world before and after the risk.
Good Conduct in Service:
Alesta's loss adjustment/survey and supervision team consists of carefully selected individuals who are independent, impartial, unbiased and unaffected, aiming to determine the necessity of the work they undertake with honesty and to illuminate the questions that need to be answered.
Alesta will never leave this principle at any cost, while fulfilling the service demands of its customers in its field.
Going Further:
Alesta has the "key" position, competent and expert capacity in all areas in which it operates.
This competency and know-how gives it the opportunity to be able to meet specific assignment demands and make constructive contributions to:
Power and Security:
Alesta works in constant communication with its customers to find solutions to their wide range of insurance loss adjustment and survey service needs. It creates innovative work programs in the fields of loss adjustment, damage analysis, risk examinations and valuation, as well as in works requiring technical know-how.
In many large-scale and specific claims files or analyzes it has managed in the past, it has proven that it has the experience to provide first-class service whenever and wherever required.
Alesta also has the capacity to produce first-class solutions in its field of activity. Its ambition is to become a significant organization in the choices of its customers around the world and to be a player of this team by creating a large multinational team.
Alesta Information Security concerning protection of corporate reputation, trustworthiness and sources of information as well as for providing the continuation of the main and supplementary business activities with minimum possible interruption have been contemplated as follows:
Within the context of “Quality Service” as its primary principle, Alesta looks forward to being “the preferred loss adjustment company leading the sector operating by the power and will of its team” in its field of activity.
Aims of Alesta are as follows:
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Alesta Insurance Loss Adjustment Services Co. Ltd. is a “loss adjustment organization” that ventured operating with the mission of introducing loss adjustment services in a corporate manner and in international standards. Simultaneously, it is the representative of the World’s largest corporate loss adjustment establishment, Crawford & Company® in Turkey. The field that Alesta operates in is not just limited to Turkey but is the entire world, neighboring countries in particular.
Included in the task force of ALESTA that has improved its services provided up to a state of international standards and scope, there are regular insurance adjusters having expertise in their career disciplines, professional experts of different business lines, assistants and researchers. In addition to this permanent staff, Crawford® and Supervision & Survey team complement and reinforce Alesta’s team of loss adjustment services.
In this context, making ready a team composing of sufiicient number of specialists for service at the requested place, time and speed, is a characteristic unique to Alesta especially in Turkey.
The team assigned according to the characteristic of loss regardless of size, loss adjustment teams formed by appropriate mixture of the fields of expertise solve all problems that are encountered mutually with parties that are involved as from the original starting moment of investigation of the loss until the time concluding the study, handle it in every detail, examine and evaluate.
Considering that despite systemized, interrelated, and supported by written procedures, personal knowledge and skills shall be insufficient; thus it is an ALESTA tradition to have experienced administrators to take a part in and manage the process.
The entire process from receiving the notice to the final stage including all needed analyses and inquiries of the study is carried out in ALESTA in a participant, cooperative, and transparent manner with respect to definite times and forms of written procedures.
Another feature the services provided by Alesta is that the quality of a process is reflected not only to the party asking study, but to all other parties such as the insurer, reinsurer, insured, broker, intermediary etc. that are closely interested, hence possibility of rendering common expectation upon completion of the study.
By this means, this organization overpassed client expectations. Regardless of the type, scope and size of the presented study, it is a real leader and pioneer concerning service standardization and monotype reporting criteria.
Having this experience, ALESTA operates with almost all licensed insurers in Turkey and provides service to reinsurers in Turkey and in relevant countries through its global network.
As required by 2nd clause of Article 32 of the Insurance Law, insurance loss adjusters are obliged to avoid activities that may endanger the rights and interests of the insureds, perform activity in line with the principles of the legislation and operation plan, act in accordance with the necessities of insurance and the rules of good will.
In this context, according to Article 23/1 of the Regulations of Loss Adjusters, loss adjusters are obligated to comply with the professional integrity and the code of ethics determined by the Executive Committee of Loss Adjusters, exercise utmost due care as regards clothing and appearance, personal relationships as well as necessary meticulousness in professional titles and office arrangements.
The below-annexed “CODE OF CONDUCT” that has been devised with respect to all these laws and regulations are rules that we as ALESTA also observe and committed to comply with.
This code of conduct has been prepared for all insurance loss adjusters operating in our country basing on paragraph (a) of second clause of Article 26 of Insurance Law no. 5684, in order to provide justice and honesty in insurance loss adjustment activities, members of the profession to work meticulously in discipline and solidarity as necessitated by the profession.
Definitions: Terms in this code of conduct refer to the following: a) Law: Insurance Law no. 5684, b) Regulation: Regulation of Loss Adjusters, c) Executive Committee: Executive Committee of Loss Adjusters in Turkish Union of Chambers and Stock Exchangers, d) Code of Conduct: Loss Adjusters’ Code of Conduct, e) Adjuster: Insurance Loss Adjuster.
SECTION 1 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE PROFESSION OF LOSS ADJUSTMENT Basic principles that Loss Adjustment profession bases on are as follows:
(A) The Principle of Objectivity: The Adjuster, as part of the defining/descriptive characteristics of the profession, is obliged to protect the rights of both the insured and the insurer regardless of who the appointer is and act in accordance with public benefit. Therefore, the Adjuster; a) Is obliged to perform the tasks required by believing in the necessity of independence and objectivity of the profession. The Adjuster never performs the work in a biased and prejudiced manner. b) Maintains objectivity in professional work; never acts by a behavior and attitude that will bruise objectivity. c) Doesn’t accept an assignment that may cause suspicion in his objectivity. d) Stands away from a conflict between parties and a tension that can arise. B) The Principle of Trust: (1) The Adjuster performs his professional work in full devotion observing public belief and providing trust to the profession. (2) The Adjuster considers to be simple and easily understandable in the briefings to be held; and holds utmost transparency in his activities. (3) The Adjuster avoids all sorts of behavior and attitude that will damage the reputation of the profession; takes this in care in his private life as well.
C) The Principle of Professional License: (1) The Adjuster doesn’t perform loss adjustment not within the scope of his professional license and not in a branch or branches that he’s unauthorized. (2) The Adjuster doesn’t accept a job in which he’s aware that his experience and knowledge is insufficient. (3) The Adjuster allocates time necessary to perform the job received in a proper manner. If needed, accepts advisory assistance from an expert who has proven to be competent regarding the provisions of the relevant legislation.
(D) The Principle of Secrecy: (1) The Adjuster is responsible for keeping professional secrets. Leaving the profession does not remove this obligation. (2) The Adjuster keeps all types of information and documentation as confidential and meticulously away from third parties, except in cases when such information and documents legally need to be delivered to the authorized persons and bodies and sharing of information legislatively as well as in cases that the parties (the insured and the insurer) agree. (3) The Adjuster develops and applies precautions to prevent the persons that are employed and inters from acting against professional confidentiality.
Basic rules that the loss adjusters are required to follow during the course of their profession are as follows: (A) Relations Between Professional Colleagues (1) No loss adjuster can express personal opinion and thoughts that are humiliating and insulting for any professional colleague, those carrying out joint loss adjustment process in particular.
(2) Follows the guiding rates of loss adjustment determined within the scope of the relevant legislation. (B) Relations with Insureds
(1) The Adjuster communicates respectfully and meticulously in the relations with the insureds. (2) The Adjuster shares information regarding the loss adjustment with the insured when asked. (C) Relations with Insurance Companies
In relationships with insurance companies, the Adjuster exhibits attitudes and behavior conforming to professional honor and dignity. In these relations, mutual respect is essential. (D) Office and Working Order
(1) The Adjuster cannot make an announcement in the form of an advertisement. (2) The billheads, business cards, and office signs cannot carry an advertisement form. (3) The Adjuster cannot display attitudes and behaviors in the form of acquiring job in a way against professional customs. (4) The Adjuster pays consideration in furnishing his office as conforming to the honor and solemnity of the profession. Follows the technological improvements in the profession. (5) The Adjuster who will obligatorily be away from office for a long time, informs in advance the party or parties for whom he receives assignments in majority. (6) Except for judicious excuse, the Adjuster accepts the assignments. (7) The Adjuster who takes an intern pays utmost attention to the appropriate training of the intern and prepares opportunities in this regard. (E) Loss Adjustment and Reporting (1) The Adjuster is indebted to comply with the decisions taken by the Executive Committee as well as the law, regulation and decrees of the relevant legislation. (2) During the performance of his profession, The Adjuster takes the general and special conditions of the policy (scope, exclusions, exclusions unless agreed otherwise etc.) as a guide and finalizes the loss adjustment report in this framework. (3) The Adjuster follows up the claim file received until the end, and issues the loss adjustment report within its legal period, hence completes his task. However, he can reject the file upon situations that necessitate personally or due to professional dignity. In such cases, the Adjuster informs the situation to the assigning party in writing. (4) The Adjuster performs his job in a clothing and appearance befitting the profession. (F) Following the Notices The Adjusters are obliged to follow the notices announced in the website www.sigorta.org.tr. (G) Other Issues (1) In claims of motor insurance, in order to eliminate the annoyance encountered in periods of repair determined by insurance loss adjusters for providing a substitute vehicle; a. The extended duration of repair in the services / repair shops due to vehicles waiting in line upon difficulties encountered in supplying of spare parts that have to be provided by the services / repair shops cannot be recoursed to the insurer. Consequently, the specified durations cannot be added to the durations of repair determined by the insurance loss adjuster.
b. In cases in which spare parts are supplied by service providers of the insurance companies and in those in which repairs of plastic and/or aluminum parts are carried out by the service providers in question, these durations are added to the period of repair determined by the insurance loss adjuster. c. The period repair determined by insurance loss adjuster as considering the cases mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) are to be notified to the parties and included in the loss adjustment report, and any subdividing in the period of repair is inapplicable. (2) During the activity of Insurance Loss Adjustment, the insurance loss adjusters have to put in effect a secrecy agreement with persons that they employ concerning protection of information that need to be kept secret.
Because Alesta International Supervision and Survey Services Co. Ltd. is in the status of an “International Supervision Company”, it has been authorized in accordance with the Edict no “Export 96/6” regarding international supervision companies with the approval of no 47042 dated 26 September 1996 of the Prime Ministry of the Republic of Turkey-Undersecretary of Foreign Trade.
This formation, being an outcome of the principle of unity in service in Alesta Group has achieved creating an alternative in both quality and extent to the supervision services provided in the Turkish market in a short period of time. It turned out to be an organization growing at a fast and consistent rate by means of the services introduced to the Turkish supervision market with the motto of “supervision without closing eyes”.
Alesta has the authority to perform supervision on all types of raw materials, semi product and finished product groups and materials registered in “Customs Tariff Statistic Positions”.
The increasing volume of trade in our country and corresponding problems and responsibilities that improve by this development of trade borders are risks appear in the course of business life.
Liabilities and risks continuously change to the end hands between all that are involved in the process from the production stage of a product until it reaches the end user. In some circumstances the goods can reach the end user having lost their characteristics specified in the sales agreement.
The owners of the products do not have the opportunity to intervene the process, at ports or loading and discharging points in particular. In such cases risks realize and loss occurs respectively with issues below:
It is known that objections raised and minutes or reports devised by individuals or institutions having interest on the product are regarded as biased and cannot be binding for other parties.
A need for a competent and professional supervision arises for the purpose of fast intervention to the summarized situations, protection of rights, using reports in legal settings whenever needed.
In meeting this need, being ALESTA GROUP, we wish to share with you the professional experience that we gained by operating over years through our supervision and survey staff who have expertise in their profession.
It is known that our sector is distressed regarding technical profitability. Intense “price” competition from one side and profitability pressure from the other necessitate being selective in risk acceptance. In this context, insurers and reinsurers wish to see a photograph of the “thing” they will provide cover for prior to accepting the risk. We refer to this photograph RISK ANALYSIS study. In this aspect, the competent team of ALESTA having donated with professional experience is able to provide special and high quality service to meet the needs of its clients in every field where a risk exists.
The risk analysis reports prepared by our team include the following headings.
1- Introduction
2- Information on Parties
3- Executive Summary
4- Loss Experience and Potential Loss Approaches
5- Evaluation Tables
6-Engineering Evaluation
7- Detailed Process Information
8- Information on the Maintenance Management Systems
9- Natural Peril Risk Evaluation
10- Evaluation of Other Risks
11- Annexes That Will Provide Use In Presenting the Risk
12- Plans, Designs and Photographs